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Shake The Dust is an enticing new project with much promise, and their self-titled EP seems like just the beginning of a fruitful endeavor from Lomac and company...

A strong album, one that reflects persuasive melodies, precise instrumentation and coherent rhythms. Northern Cities Southern Stars is worth your time; it’s engaging and unique enough that you’ll enjoy it...

4/5 stars - Phil Lomac's Northern Lights Southern Stars delivers a poetic reflection on modern life through an acquiescent but hopeful voice. A beautiful piece that further adds to that indefinable realm of Americana...

Northern Cities Southern Stars is a sonic gut-punch of sheer alternative rock, indie pop, and rootsy folk goodness all wrapped into intriguing experiment for the least and a cool trip into the mind of an up-and-coming, potentially brilliant composer for the best...

2017’s Northern Cities, Southern Stars, playing like a post-punk update of Bare Trees-era Fleetwood Mac...

“Northern Lights” navigates confidently from the briskly suave verses, into an upbeat and infectious chorus accompanied by strings and twangy guitars. It’s a track that nicely hints at the album’s beautiful tonal dichotomies...

From songs you need to hear - Shake the Dust could be canon in the genre. It pays homage to throwback 70s rock, but holds its own modern edge...

A rhythmic and lively soundscape, which catches the listener's attention in the first seconds of playback...

Musically, Northern Lights is modern rock at its finest. There is textural complexity here, with lighter and heavier components from the driving rhythm provided by both guitars and drums, to the wonderful tuneful and beautiful lyric delivery. 

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